Let There Be Light ....

.... and shadows.

I've used this title a few times before, and I've blipped this church window a few times too. I thought it might be a good place though for a light and shadows Wide Wednesday shot. 

I took a few RAW images using pro mode on the phone, but the best starting point for a bit of Lightroom processing was just a 'straight out of phone' jpg. The phone made everything bright though (well I suppose it was really) so I had to do a bit to get the shadows effect I had in my mind.

Camera club#2 this evening. I'm doing a short presentation on judging! A judge would like to see more detail in the shadows here but I wanted to convey darkness!

One year ago:
A Day Of Firsts
I haven't seen any lambs yet this year, though I did catch sight of a brimstone a couple of days ago.

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