a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Better put a ring on it

I seem to have picked up a cold somewhere along the line last week in Suffolk, which is curbing my enthusiasm for life somewhat.  It does just seem to be a cold though, so it is undoubtedly going to do my immune system some good along the way.

I must be doing something right with the photography as a second local camera club has asked me to come and show some of my photos to them. Fame at last(!)  I shall have to plug the benefits of Blipfoto while I'm about it.

In the meantime the weather today does not encourage outdoor activity.  It might be beautifully sunny for half an hour but that is swiftly followed by an absolute deluge - the last one even had some hail in it.  I had been enjoying reading in the conservatory, but the blatter was too much and I gave up.  First world problems, eh.  :-)

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