Glass panes at the Western General Hospital

After a late night I slept very well (although not for long enough) on the sofa bed in the study. 

I left the house in good time to walk to the Western General Hospital for my annual mammogram at 9:00am. The radiographer was very kind, but it still hurt a lot when my ample bosom was clamped into the apparatus. I walked back home through Stockbridge with a stop-off at Véronique's for a long overdue catch-up.

My main task of the afternoon was to write a job reference for Marina. I'm glad that I waited until after her viva to do so. Her interview is on Thursday. It will be quite a week if she adds a job offer to yesterday's excellent news.

Tuesday evenings in book group weeks transform into Mondays. We particularly enjoyed University Challenge tonight.

I blipped these coloured glass panes at the hospital this morning.

Exercise today: walking (16,216 steps).

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