The Forth & Clyde and Union Canal towpaths!

I mentioned yesterday that we've got a bit of a [flat!] walking-expedition coming up next week ...

... we'll actually be setting off a week today, and walking the 60-miles of the "Forth & Clyde and Union Canal towpaths" - all the way from Bowling in the West Coast to the Lochrin Basin on the East Coast. I'm doing the walk with 'R', across 6-days, starting from Tuesday 2nd April through to Sunday 7th April :-)

Regular readers may have noticed that we've both turned 60-years old recently --- thus the 60-mile walk --- but more importantly, we're undertaking the expedition to raise money for the Edinburgh Union Canal Society (EUCS) ... if interested, our JustGiving page is here  ;-)

Any support received will go directly towards EUCS' ongoing work/s - like the [pictured] refurbishment of what will be our 3rd traditional, rowing-boat. And all of our boats will be available for public hire from Sunday 14th April - some further details are now here.

Am sure we'll also both endeavour to continue blipping throughout the course of the walk next week :-))

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