Just another day

in the land of the unemployed!

First thing today, I went into Reading in the car to collect another high end litter tray - Charlie is not squatting, but just standing in the litter tray these days and it goes everywhere, so now I've got two back to back and hoping to avoid this problem...also trying again to get this urine sample - NOT easy at all!!

Sorry probably TMI!!

After that I popped to Currys PC World and bought myself a new microwave as I can't survive without it.  I chose to get a white one instead of black (although I've black worksurfaces- not by choice I hasten to add)....  Bad news is that the lead is not as long as the last one and apparently you shouldn't put a microwave near electric/gas oven/hob according to the instruction book, so I'm going to have to reorganise the kitchen worksurfaces - just hoping to not clutter them up as I need space to do things on them too....

When I got home, I was amazed just how many bees/wasps or hoverflies  (like a swarm?) were over the front lawns of the five house terrace that I am in the middle of (I only managed to capture one, as they are soo fast - see extra).
After lunch I've been working on the job applications....

Then, I've done another shelf of decluttering in my cupboard.  Its a long job and I've got some paperwork I need to keep but it is not organised yet.  I decided to get rid of everything first, then I can sort out what will go where :)

Another day tomorrow :)

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