Confirmation day

We were at Evangelical-Lutheran Confirmation mass today as our son's confirmation school ended - and now he first time could go for eucharist (I hope that is the right word for the 'holy biscuit and wine')... In the blip there is part of the confirmation children wearing their white suits (that they always wear during the confirmation mass), and there were youth-priests of the confirmation camp working in the mass.

I was so happy as my son had his confirmation in the very same church than I had 30 years ago, in Aleksanteri's church build in 1881 it is a beautiful New-Gothic church made of red bricks.

The day has been warm, partly cloudy, partly sunny. Just perfect to our hansdome young man in his new black suit and light mint coloured dress shirt and black tie. We had different cakes (both salty and sweet ones), salty snacks and coffee, tea and juice after the mass in our home - party to our closest relatives, grandmums, grandpaps and cousins and Godparents of both of our children. A very relaxed and nice party day.

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