Roll With It

By Falmike


I have been looking forward to today for a while, following a breakfast of coffee and toast I headed off to the Eden Project, the second time in a month. Today was about ‘me’ though.
“The Eden Project, working in partnership with the Defence Gardens Scheme (DGS), secured a grant from the Veterans’ Foundation some time ago to deliver ten-week gardening programmes for Veterans.
The sessions will take place well away from the main visitor areas in the peaceful setting of the therapy garden at the former Vounder Farm on the wider Eden estate.”
Arriving I parked, put my mobile phone on the dashboard shelf and joined the half dozen or so prospective gardeners for a look around and a brief.
Two coffees and a hot dog later I was sold on the project and am looking forward to starting in mid April.

Home for an easy afternoon, Mrs S is struggling to the end of the bug that has laid her low over the last week or two and I have a suspicion that I’m coming down with it!!
Not good.

Mrs S working, Sam still away, just Paddy and I for dinner.

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