Playing games

Very bright and sunny but cold outside . The sun was warm enough yesterday to start melting some snow which then froze again overnight.
As Matt opened the binds this morning he saw one of the big bunnies they have round here. As residing it has list its white coat which is now brown meaning predators can now see them against the snowy landscape.
The children are off from day care today which is nice. So they are all playing guess who I am. It's a very good game for the kids.
Christie should be home later from Edmonton . She went with her brother. He lives in exshaw which is just outside Canmore . He was saying it's very exciting there at the moment as the film crews moved in over the weekend to continue the 2nd series on THE LAST OF US. It is a bout the survivors trying to keep out of the way of the zombies. It was apparently based on a video game which they have turned into a movie .

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