18:28 comeback special

9900 exam questions marked and now I'm finished.

A small feeling of elation but then I receive an e-mail with the offer to mark some more. It's almost irresistible!

The Elvis Pose. To be completely honest I couldn't think of anything to blip and the sunglasses out of the boys' play box proved to be my saviour.

Having long since lost any shame/self respect/wariness/vanity/call it what you will about taking a self portrait it was an easy next step!

I will try and save any regular subscribers from the sight of my face for a couple of weeks at least.

Sunday including a mountain bike ride, a bike ride/football combo with Son #1, a voyage to the loft, an unexpected but welcome cider and some late afternoon faffing about a session I'm supposed to lead tomorrow.

Tour de France to watch soon enough!

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