
By Cailleach

Magnificent Magnolia.....

Some mysterious things happened in Edinburgh today....a warm yellow glow lit up the sky, and as if by magic, half the population took their thermal vests off and gathered in the botanics to gawp at the ducks!

It was as though we'd all been released from prison. Complete strangers were talking to each other; not a usual occurrence in Edinburgh. (As I've said before, in Glasgow you can be standing at a bus stop, not knowing a soul in the queue, yet within minutes hear about someone's fling with the fishmonger and discover that Senga the bus driver used to live next door to your second cousin twice removed. Here in Edinburgh, locals have to have known you for about ten years before they'll even consider a frosty nod in your direction), people were wearing flipflops (actually that might just have been me) and absolutely everyone was smiling (apart from one person who was telling her friend that her catheter had fallen out!!!)

It was a marvellous day of sunshine, and looking at the weather forecast, it appears there's more of it to come.

Round about September.....

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