A quick walk

A quick walk with Joey. Today was another day of paperwork for selling my parents’ house. We also had a video meeting with a bank, to see if the period in between houses (when my mum would own two houses) is going to work from a financial viewpoint. Luckily there won’t be any problem with that.

In the afternoon I visited the Fotografie-Reizen office to discuss the guiding I’m doing for them. Recently I have found the non-photography tasks involved in being a guide to be taking too much time and too much energy. I will still be involved with them, but as of next year I will only do some weekends and one-day workshops. In one way it’s too bad I won’t be visiting great places like Lofoten and Iceland anymore, but I think it’s better for me overall.

After that conversation I visited my dad in the nursing home. It was a visit cut short with him getting very angry. Not something I could help and frankly he couldn’t help it either. Dementia is such a cruel disease…

After all that it was time to do groceries and quickly take Joey out before making dinner. Quite an eventful day.

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