Not a very convenient convenience!

On the way home today, from Letchworth, there was another motorway closure. This time it was the M25, Orbital motorway that encircles greater London. What is going on with all of these road closures!!
Anyway, I nearly stopped at a services and then thought I'd press on as I know of a public toilet, in a layby, just before you get to Oxford. That's the route I took today, and should have taken yesterday.
By the time I got to the layby I was really needing the loo, that's what swollen prostates do for you.
Pulled up alongside the slab of concrete that you see in the photograph. The public convenience has been there for as long as I can remember, at least 50 years and they weren't very new even then. I was going to say "I don't know why they had been demolished (both sides of the A40) but then thought I'd try to find out. See the link below.
Thank you very much vandals and anti-social louts!
Lucky for me there was a very large articulated lorry by the hedge on the side of the layby.

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