At Junction 38

We’ve known it was here for a long time, but why we have never actually been to see it is a puzzle. We go through Tebay often enough. Today we made it.

Just the earthworks remain of Castle Howe at Tebay, a medieval mottle and bailey castle, probably in use in the 11th to 12th centuries. It is on the bank of the River Lune at the point where Birk Beck flows into it, so obviously flood waters have eroded the remains over the years, but the motte, the central mound, would have originally been round and would have been surmounted by a timber tower. Adjoining this would have been an embanked enclosure, the bailey - on the left of the photo. 

Castle Howe is just a short distance from what is known as Old Tebay and has the railway on one side and the M6 on another. I fact it is so close to the motorway that it can be seen as one travels north to Penrith. The first extra is a wider view - of course Gordon had to climb to the top!!

Interesting to see what was behind me as I was taking the photo (second extra) - the M6 as it goes over the River Lune. In fact to get to this point we had to follow the footpath as it went under the bridge - it was a bit noisy!!

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