
L battling the waves. They had the better of me several times, especially on the way out of the water. I got bowled over and was struggling to get back to my feet, so welcomed a little assistance from E and S. The waves were a bit bigger than yesterday, but again once out there beyond the breaking waves the swell was limited and the water was crisp but not stupidly cold. What was trickiest to deal with were the stones and rocks, and I've got a few more bruises and scratches on my legs to go with previous ones, as well as a jolly big bruise on the middle toe on my right foot, where I stubbed it against a rock under the water yesterday. It was the first time Mr A had been there since New Year's Eve. And he seemed to enjoy himself....

On return, once showered, I endeavoured to spend a bit of time in the garden, but was regularly thwarted by intermittent showers. None the less, I did hang my swimming stuff out for the first time this year, and it got reasonably dry despite the showers, which is good as I'm planning to go again tomorrow evening. I'm also slowly trying to weed the front garden. Mr A put the new plants he bought yesterday into the back and I also sorted out the wee house plants (mainly cacti) that I got yesterday and put them together in a pot. Despite the weather, it's been a relaxing and quite energetic weekend in the north (involving also two peloton workouts before my swims), with multiple signs of spring, beyond the obvious spring bulbs, such as lilies and peonies that are just starting to sprout. We won't need to get too many plants this year to have a good show.

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