Billy Goat

By billygoat

Plum Bread

Nothing to do with our day’s activities but necessary because we are fair tuckered out.
A windy day in the garden, cold but dry. So we set about cutting the grass, bagging and binning the pampas grass that has been shorn ready for the new season. Then on to pruning roses, then momentous decision to get the electric lawn rake out and attack the moss and thatch.
First had to free up the seized bearings because we’ve not used it for years. Once I’d got it going I realised why we don’t use it. The design is pants, throws the moss and thatch out the front into a very shallow box that holds about a small bucketful and rapidly fills then overflows. Worked out the only way to get it to work is to abandon the grass box and use it backwards so the thatch and moss gets deposited where you’ve been not where you are going.
Then run over it again with the mower that picks it all up. Would have been really good if it hadn’t rained for half an hour this afternoon which made the whole process a bit mucky.
Anyway about one third is done and it looks better for it. So tea and cake has been well earned.

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