Silly Saturday ...

... the shakeoff!

It has done nothing but rain, rain, rain today!  That being said I only took a handful of pictures ... mostly of the soaking wet squirrels.  This one is in the midst of shaking off the rain ... you can see the overspray if you look at the surrounding area.  Please view full screen.

With all the rain I really didn't feel like being productive ... and I wasn't.  I finished a diamond painting craft project and then read the newspaper.  After supper the weather cleared and we went out on a very short errand.

When we returned I settled on the couch to read my latest book.  It's number 3 in a series ... and I'm enjoying it very much.

Thank you for all the love given to our beautiful Kiera yesterday.  If yesterday was a day of celebration today is a day of remembrance as it was five years ago today that we lost our handsome Simba.  ♥♥♥

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