Cross that bridge when you come to it.

Arrived early at the gym this morning, and so did Vic & Cath. Vic didn't overdo it, but he is looking better. He has an appointment for an endoscopy, on Wednesday, and then the doctor will be able to give him medication to manage his gout. Ann was already there, and John arrived later,  Vic suggested a coffee afterwards, so we all met  up in the coffee shop. After a nice chat, we all parted ways. Vic offered me a lift, but I declined . As J hasn't been going out on the motorbike through the winter months,  I  have been having a lift home, so  I thought it would be a good idea to start walking home again. It was a good job I had my bobble hat in my bag, as the head wind was bitterly cold.  I will probably sleep well tonight. J enjoyed his ride out, and arrived home about half an hour after I did. 

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