What a blessing!

Yesterday F and I were invited to the after wedding blessing and reception for M and A. They had got married during Covid and hadn't been able to have any guests or any celebration afterwards so that was remedied yesterday.

There was a lovely service in their local village chapel where they renewed their vows then the reception was in the village hall.

There was lots of lovely food and great to chat to so many people that I know.  A is a wonderful fiddler (blistering Irish and Shetland tunes plus many other types of music).  He plays in one of the ceilidh bands that I play in so there were lots of people that I knew from the local music scene.  

We were asked to bring musical instruments so there was a big session with a great variety of instruments plus singers.

My blip is of the happy couple outside the chapel.  I was the only person thathad brought a camera so I took a LOT of photos which I will give to them as a memory of such a special day when I have sorted them out!

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