pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

maybe i'll never be all the things that i wanna be

What a scorching day! It's been lovely. I went over to my old neighbourhood of East Dulwich in search of some of Stik's street art. I was quite surprised to find out that he'd done a few pieces there as ED doesn't really strike me as the sort of area a street artist would go to. Anyway, what do I know? I don't really know any street artists.

This one was my favourite out of all the ones I did see as it was in this cool little courtyard. Plus I really like that blue wall. Went for a walk around Dulwich Park afterwards which was lovely. I have been thinking recently how fed up I am of living on such a busy street. The constant police sirens and drunk people arguing outside have become somewhat tiresome. Still, I don't think I was that happy living in East Dulwich so I guess I'm fine where I am.

Came home and made some blueberry frozen yogurt, which was delicious. If we have more hot days like today, I may have to make that a daily habit. I'm sure I can manage :)

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