The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Costume Change

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

Murphy and I went on a walk this morning whilst chatting to you LTJ. The sky was blue, there wasn’t a cloud in sight so obviously I wasn’t wearing a waterproof jacket with a hood. There was clearly no need


15 minutes into the walk, the sky turned black and the heavens emptied. Right on my head. My cavalier attitude to outdoor clothing came home to roost and I was absolutely soaked with water running down my face. TWO sets of people passed and openly giggled. One woman said “at least you aren’t wearing sunglasses” indicating her husband trudging behind her wearing g shades.

By the end of the walk, it was beautiful sunshine again. People getting out of their cars (without jackets) looked at me showcasing this year’s drowned rat look with slight confusion.

Scotland in spring. So dramatic. It’s like having a toddler in charge of the weather. But with less Peppa Pig!


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