
…in a saturday

pet portrait

of the boo

i’m not certain she - even knew i was there - she was so focused - on whatever it was she - was staring at - her level of intensity - simply radiated off of her - i was tempted to poke - her but thought that - would just be mean - and i’m not a mean mama - yet i had the itch - i know you know what - i’m talking about - we’ve all been there - that temptation to do - what we know we shouldn’t - and sometimes we’re successful - other times, not so much - fortunately this time - for the boo - i left her alone - but was so curious - about what she - was focused on

isn’t that the thing - about our furry friends - how they think or process - what they see - or believe they see - ‘cuz in this case - as a human - i saw absolutely nothing - nada - but the boo - she knew something was there - who can understand the - mind of a kittie-boo at all - they’re fascinating things - to watch and observe - and if you can catch a - precious moment of their face - like the boo’s framed - in a photo such as this - it most certainly- will lead to…


happy day…..

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