Best Pub in London...?!

Having a birthday card to post I spent some time this morning walking round the Kings Cross area looking for a postbox with a collection time later than 7am as unsurprisingly I'd missed that time (I eventually found one) - slightly annoying but at least I spotted this fun pub sign on my route, and thought I could tag it for Silly Saturday (it's not a hosted one though as it's not the first Saturday of the month).

Later we headed off on a train to Worthing for my Editor's niece's 50th birthday party (how could she be that old already?!). It was a lovely family get-together, held in the restaurant at the end of the universe pier so I've added an extra of the pier. The weather was crazy - you can see that it was sunny as I took the photo but 3  minutes later as we were walking along the pier we got caught in a rather torrential hailstorm!

We're now back in our hotel at Kings Cross, ready for our train home to Newcastle tomorrow. It's been a lovely 2 weeks away.

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