
Headline summary - I’ve had a nice day.

I went to the hairdresser where she sorted out my stupid hair. My stupid hair photo album on my phone gave her all the info she needed about where it had all gone wrong. And she fixed it, so all good. I popped into marks because I wanted new pyjamas. End of the sale £5.49 very nice pyjamas is what I found. And a top for a fiver. I was so delighted with my bargains I bought myself a full price cardigan too. Feels like the weather is getting to where I don’t have to wear a thick jumper to work every day.

Then a short diversion to Shoreham to collect my book club book (I’ve joined a book club!! Very excited!), then to the hospital for a mammogram. Which was so quick the parking ticket hadn’t clicked in and I got free parking. The boob lady’s name was Lovely!

It was hailstoning when I got in so i put my new pyjamas on and have spent the rest of the day on the sofa.

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