White snake's head fritillary

It's lovely to post a photo of a white snake's head fritillary taken in my own garden. I have some purple ones too, but they're not quite out yet.

Our back garden was as far as I moved today. After the frolics of last night, we had a lie-in, then took things easy the rest of the day. 

I sat quietly at my computer this afternoon to work on V9 of our journal article. The main task was to cut down the word count without ruining our line of argument. I managed to get it within 140 words of the maximum allowed by the journal. I think (hope) we'll get away with this. Anyway, the article is now back with Bruce for final proofing and formatting. We hope to submit it towards the end of next week. 

Tonight we are watching the football: England V Brazil in a friendly.

Exercise today: none. 

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