
Heavy rain today so no way the camera is going outside. I had a browse through my old sketch books and took an indoor photo. This is a pencil sketch copied from a photograph (not mine!) 
Still dealing with the satellite box issue. I've had two more conversations with Christine, and apparently there's something going on with connections between the boxes and modems. 
First conversation: I asked if I should try turning the modem off and she thought that was a good idea. There were no interruptions while it was off for a few hours, but the interruptions came back when I turned it back on.
Second conversation: I told Christine what happened and she said that we could turn the modem off if there was a program that we wanted to watch without interruptions. That doesn't solve the problem though. She said that the technical team is still working on the issue and she will call back tomorrow to tell me if they've had any luck. Frustrating! 

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