My Little Man

Little Man is definitely growing up! He understands almost everything that is said to him and is trying to talk more and more. His word count seems to be increasing. Since I decided to raise him bilingual, it has meant that he is a little behind in talking. However, he grasps everything that is going on around him.

Not a lot has been happening out of the ordinary. We went for a few walks and visited the park, where Little Man had a lot of fun on the swing. It's one of the regular swings with just a bit of hardened plastic attached to two chains hanging from a frame. He loved being pushed gently and held on splendidly. He didn't want to leave.

I took this photo right before Little Man decided to use the mud from the wet flower garden to fill his cars. I let him have a few moments before I took him inside to clean up. He had a lot of fun getting dirty.

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