The Zoo

Having arrived quite late last night we took our time and didn't get up with the larks.
We did find a small zoo near the hotel so went there and wandered around.  These gorgeous brown bears were enjoying their water - had a splashing time, before heading off to relax in the weak sunshine!
The little otter was also enjoying his pond, along with two others.
A lovely wander.
In the evening we enjoyed a lovely meal out with some of the members of the Dundee Photographic Club before heading over to their hall. Jane was judging - 92 images in total. She did the print section first and finished dead on 8.30 in time for their break!  The DPI's after the break took a bit less time, even though there were more of them, and she finished without running over too much!  
I do enjoy seeing other clubs work and this club has around 100 members so there is a great variety of work. 
A most enjoyable evening.
Got back to the hotel, packed out stuff and fell into bed with the alarm set for an early start! 

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