
In evening light in between showers.
A strange day. A work- out in the morning was possible and invigorating.
Lunchtime brought the disconcerting discovery of a full pan with lid on top and a molded content of goulash in the cupboard. Shocking as I did not recall putting it there. It could have been hubby too but I doubt it, he never puts any pans or pots in the cupboard, he rather washes and cleans them and puts them on top of the stove. I don’t even remember cooking that stuff…
I also remember that on my drive on Thursday to Corvallis I listened to a book on tape , a Ken Follett novel and I was totally in that story while driving. That way I drove by two spots where I could have stopped and have stopped in the past for a little rest.
Maybe some music will be better in the future. And a visit to a doctor might be in order.

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