Scrubbed up for 'posh night'

For a while we have been saying to Paddy and Caitlin that we would host a proper 'posh' night at our flat. This evening we delivered on that promise. There were nine of us in total: myself, Mr hazelh, Mummy hazelh, Paddy, Caitlin, Katharine, Jack, Bruce, and Elly. Our guests came as their posh counterparts: Patrick Baron de Beer of Portobello, La Contessa da Carità, the Countess of Lindean, Sir John of Noble, Bruce the Bruce of the Lowlands, and Lady Eleanor. We all dressed in our finery and pranced about the place like posh extras in Downton Abbey (AKA Dallas in long dresses in this household).

For our meal, Mr hazelh and I prepared:

Hors d'oeuvres: guacamole, baby tomatoes, chicken parfait - each on rye bread
First course: prawn cocktails (salad cocktail for the vegan)
Main course: red pesto saumon en croûte with roasted red peppers, courgettes and red onions (mushroom pie for the vegan) with baby new potatoes, and green beans
Pudding: chocolate mousses with crème fraîche (vegan version for the vegan)
Cheeseboard: selection of cheese with water biscuits
Petit fours: Maltesers and mint tea

Between the main course and pudding we played a round of Balderposh, with the questions all of my invention:

What does CPAG stand for?
Who was/is Giovanni della Casa? 
What does copacetic mean?
What is the plot of the TV series Posh?
Why is it bad form in France to cut bread with a knife?

The prep for the evening took all afternoon. In the morning I delivered frogspawn to a lady whose garden I visited on 25th June last year (having left a note for her yesterday as a reminder of my promise to share some 'babies'), then popped to the gym for pilates and a swim.

My blip shows that Mr hazelh and I scrub up well. In the extra is a shot of our main course at dinner.

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; pilates class; swim (30 lengths); walking (10,707 steps recorded - more in reality).

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