Convoy . . . C.W.McCall

Day Two: Hanmer Springs to Sheffield via two large high country stations and tussock country and narrow farm tracks.   Another spectacular day. The hills weren't as high as yesterday but we got closer to the golden tussock country.  The morning tea stop was McDonald Downs Station which has been owned by Bill since 1966.  His daughter Lizzie has returned to run it now Bill is widowed. It is 11,000 hectares.  Bill gave us a wonderful retelling of how he and his father managed to buy it and the improvements that made it viable over the years. Their sheep are half bred Merino and they have contracts with Icebraker and All Birds shoes. I wear All Birds so now I can pretend I have seen where the wool in my shoes came from. They also earn from cattle, Manuka honey and carbon credits for trees that are regenerating and won't be cut down.  The extra is showing their pretty homestead.  The trees were planted in 1910 and there are rose beds and peonies and other flowering shrubs.
Then the convoy of vehicles set off over the farm roads/tracks up hills and down steep slopes.  We stopped at a high pointcand looked west to the horizon and were still looking at land own by this Station. From the homestead it is only an hour to Christchurch Airport but we went to the far end of the property. 
Leaving there we drove through the Lee's Valley. After W.W.1 this area was divided into nine stations for returned servicemen.  There were ford's to cross and the Ashley River then more twists and turns until we got down to the plains and the communities of Oxford and Sheffield.  The Sheffield hotel had an electrical fire 18 months ago so the group has split between two BnB 's.  Dinner was delicious and the hosts very interesting people.  180kms 

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