New Direction

I have been raising bulbous plants from seed for well over thirty years but have only once flowered an Erythronium raised this way.  The first was Erythronium dens canis, the seed I collected myself in the Pyrenees in 1996.  I still have it but the flowers are usually found by slugs :-(   This one is Erythronium revolutum, a more robust and showy plant.  It can make large drifts when in favourable habitat.  Liking moisture and not wanting full sun, Wales suits it better than Norfolk would have done.   I am hoping to plant mine outside along the front of the house which faces east .... but there are many slugs there :-/

A work day at Abergynolwyn cafe where we were hosting a display of plans for developments around the railway in future with a big buffet laid on for the many invited guests.  Returning to Tywyn, No 1, Talyllyn was out in the station yard, in the final stages of work to return it to service after a long overhaul.  It's got a new and mildly controversial livery.  Think I like it - extra pic.

Food, dog walk, little pottery glazing, admin, chat to Mum, bed.

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