Picnic at Noudar

Decided, eventually, to drive to Noudar castle, about an hour from here. 

The wildflowers all along the route were stunning - huge swathes of purple, and yellow, and purple and yellow together, and white and purple, and purple and red poppies, and shining pink, whole hillsides dotted with flowering rock roses - I'll put photos on my status.

We saw huge black vultures and magnificent eagles - one plummeted down and soared up with a snake dangling from its beak. We also saw a snake by the river, and bats hanging in one part of the castle, and a hare lolloping along the road.

We had a great picnic (extra) on my Mum's tablecloth, and using a picnic set my niece gave me one Christmas.

Walked down to the river, second extra of the castle from down there. Sky obliterated by Saharan dust, so light not great, but everything else was wonderful.

- the absolute tranquility of the place; we saw one other person, who arrived as we left
- the wildlife putting on a show for our animal loving d-i-l
- seeing our grandkids all in the bath together in Sutton

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