On the Mend?

I pray so. yesterday evening, I offered Layla (about 1800) a handful of her kibble, first in my hand and then in her bowl. No interest. Then just a faint hope I put what was left of her breakfast into one of her "mazes" (a ruse to make her eat more slowly). At this moment Penny arrived back. After a 2 second dash to say hallo to Pen, Layla dashed back to eat her tea as fast as she possibly could. Phew. 
There followed a "diverse" range of gut outcomes but all an improvement on the past few days. 
Today, Friday, Layla was with me for a few hours and was in much better spirits. We pray for a continued improvement. 
Its been a busy day. I went to see Julie for a pedicure (I put this down to personal hygiene rather than luxury), then Layla and a late breakfast. Then some work. Then Penny back and we started to put together a sideboard unit to store some (dare I say) general "cr*p" in the hall. then Cliff the fabulous carpet cleaner came and worked his magic on a couple of rugs and then, unexpectedly, Scotchgarded (or similar) 2 sofas and 2 armchairs. 
A result I think. I had promised Penny that I would at least compelte the drawers on the sideboard unit. But I had run out of vim. 

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