Summit Steps of the Six Blanche

… with Josiane and her daughter, elite trail runner, Sara. Sara (her photo) kindly takes the old ladies on little ski mountaineering adventures occasionally. Steep section in mono extra. We met two other people on top, the gentleman, in true Valaisan style, produced a bottle of wine from his own vineyard and five glasses! A bar on the summit (extra). 

The whole time I was on the hill, my mind was half with Preston and the meeting we had with the vet this afternoon. We have been able to take him home and set him up in the bathroom which he often lies in as it is cool there. He still staggers rather than walks but we are hopeful he will get over this awful infection. We have so many medications to administer and he will be assessed again on Monday. Nexy would love to see him but he is too weak. (I can’t upload the photo of him don’t know why). 

Have a great weekend everyone and thank you for your understanding.

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