
It’s been another very busy day.

I spent the morning in the craft room printing off 150 thank you cards which I had designed for our late friend’s sons to send to people who have sent condolences to them on the death of their father. 

Then this afternoon I sent a PDF of the service sheet to the church office and then walked up to church and sat by the very sophisticated printer while it printed, collated, folded and stitched 250 copies. It was my job to retrieve them in batches as they emerged from the bottom of the printer, but my back started protesting that it had already been hunched over the guillotine in the craft room a lot this morning, and questioned whether I really needed to keep bending down so much!

As a result I’m feeling extra tired this evening, and hugely thankful that Smithers has taken pity on me and is creating a masterpiece for supper, which looks suspiciously like his famous roasted vegetable risotto to me. Wonderful.

I’m very conscious that I have a lot of people to whom I need to send thank you emails or texts for the birthday cards and presents I received yesterday, but I’m afraid it’s a question of mañana because I am utterly exhausted.

This lovely magnolia tree is in the front garden of some very good friends of ours, which just happens to be on my route to church, so I passed it a couple of times today and thought it deserved a spot in the limelight on Blip.

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