Life Lessons

A mixed day today - some sunshine, some showers. Mostly 'Office work' this morning, putting a few things together for the next meeting of the u3a Poetry Group and beginning my next Blog for the Scotland's Gardens Scheme webpage. 

After lunch I had a visit from a new friend who has not long come to live in Oban and is a fellow member of the BPS, the British Pteridological Society, aka the Fern Club!

We did a lot of chatting, and had a wander round the garden, such as it is, then came in for a cuppa when the next shower began. Good to find someone interested in ferns!

After he'd gone I realised that I hadn't taken a Blip today, so this is maybe an EB. I've just begun to read this book, a brand new addition to the library, and am finding it very interesting. From it I've chosen my -

Quote of the Day: 'If you only ever look through the same window, all that you are ever going to see is the same view.'  Jay Blades.

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