The Biggest Surprise Ever!

OK, full disclosure is necessary here.  This photo was not taken today, it was taken eight years ago, but I made this collage today, so I figure I'm not technically breaking any journal rules.

We used to have miniature donkeys as pets.  We started out with two young males, and loved them so much we decided to buy a pregnant female.  Donkeys tend to bond with one special buddy, and make deep and lasting friendships with one another.  When we drove to Vermont to pick up Toodle, our new expectant mother, I made the mistake of asking the seller if I was taking her away from any "bffs".  Being a shrewd business woman, the seller replied that Toodle had been particularly fond of Francesca for TEN years!  I couldn't bear to part them, so we came home with two pregnant jennets.

In due course, both girls had their babies.  Toodle produced a boy we named Pimiento, and Francesca gave us a girl we called Rosie.  So now we had a herd of six, and all was well with the world.  When the appropriate time came, the vet came out to the farm and gelded Pimiento.

About a year later, I went down to the barn one fine morning to muck out the stables.  The three boys shared one large stall, and the three girls had another.  When I opened the door to the girls' quarters, Toodle and Rosie were backed into a corner, and Francesca stood in the middle of the floor, glaring at them.  "What's going on, girls?" I asked.  "Are you having an argument?"  

Then to my utter stupefaction, a tiny white and gray spotted foal came tottering out from behind Francesca!  I nearly fell over in amazement.  There was no question who the father was ... Pimiento was also white with gray spots.   I called the vet, and told him he'd better come over right away, because there was a baby in the barn I didn't know I was expecting!

When the vet assured me all was well, and that mother and daughter were both fine, I asked him to please explain this "miraculous" birth, given that all three male donkeys were geldings.  He nonchalantly replied "Oh, there can still be lead in the pencil for a month or so after gelding."  Huh.  You learn something new every day!

PS:  We named the new baby Olive.

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