
There are people who post flyers in honor of other people. 

There are people who tear down and deface flyers honoring other people.

Human beings create divisions, deep divisions and trivial divisions. 

There are people who speak with dignity, clarity, and wisdom. Naledi Pondor is an inspiration to me. She is South Africa's Foreign Minister. She is 71, born in Durban, the highly educated mother of four children, the daughter of an activist who was himself the son of an activist. I learn from her what dignity looks and sounds like. For three generations her family has fought for freedom. She is the woman of this hour, in the USA to talk with people who have the power to change things in Gaza. Will she succeed? If you have half an hour to listen to her, here she is. In this interview, Mehdi Hasan tries to cajole her into saying things that could jeopardise her mission. She evades him. She has bigger fish to fry. I think if anyone can save the people who have not yet died or starved in Gaza, she is the one. 

I got out for a walk today after a light rain (extra). I was able to breathe. The rain dampened the pollen, making it less likely to float through the air and into people’s eyes, noses, mouths, and ears. A sidenote: too many cars in this city.

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