I walked down to the village this afternoon to collect my repeat prescription and some more parcels. The weather was dry but dull and quite windy. 

Did a few household chores later including a load of washing and then it was 5.30pm and time to walk to slimming group.  Not many there this week but I enjoyed it.  Sat next to Brenda as usual and we had a nice chat.  I lost 1½ pounds.

When I came out of the Church Hall at around 6.30pm it was still light.   But  it had started to rain so it was a rather wet walk home.  Got straight into my PJs and then had my meal... salmon with biryani rice.  Afterwards I had a cup of milky coffee with a Cherry Bakewell Skinny Dream Bar.

Its my youngest brothers 60th birthday tomorrow.  I was 12 when he was born so his arrival meant big changes for the family.  My Mam suffered from post natal depression  - although it wasn't diagnosed as that back in 1964 - she just had to sort herself out ... and it took around 5 years before she was able to get back to her usual self.  So when my brother was young it was left to me a lot of the time to look after him so we were very close.  Over the years I  have kept in touch with him as best I could - but he has Aspergers Syndrome and often isolates himself and sometimes " drops off the radar" for months. I hadn't heard from him for a while even though I had sent e mails. I sent him a birthday card last week and today I got an e mail from him to thank me.  He said he had finally bought a smart phone so we exchanged numbers.  And this evening we had a WhatSapp chat.  He says he enjoys communicating via WhatSapp so hopefully that means he will keep in touch more often.

The Abstract Thursday challenge is " Natural Abstract".  I took a photo of some moss on my garden wall and used a zoom effect around the edges.  Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting.

Steps today - 12,063

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