
People were finally let back in to the flats at 5.15pm this evening. I was still at work, so trundled down once I'd finished what I was doing (chairing interviews) and let myself in. Curious lack of emotion. But it got stronger after a while. Before coming in, I went over to the corner where it all started and took a picture or two through the fencing that stops anyone accessing that part of the building. There is scaffolding waiting to be put up just by our part of the building. A very visible waking watch. And the communal fire alarm in the building is not working, so I may be a bit alert tonight....

Back in, there is no damage. Not even a smell. Exactly as we left it at 4am on Thursday.

The heating has been on since Friday....after the electricity came back on. So it's a bit hot in here. But otherwise, it's hard to have any sense of the awful fire that evolved just along the way. Very strange.

I wasn't here too long, before heading down to The Vaults to meet meles and DaveH for a pint, a blether and some food. And a 36 bus back, which was free, unlike all the buses I've caught since last Thursday! I've booked a train for tomorrow morning, and just need a taxi to match. I still have a bit of packing to do, but I might do that in the morning. I think I will be happier just lying in my own bed as soon as possible. Finally, I can slowly start to unwind.

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