The best laid plans...
...of mice and men.
That Rabbie Burns really knew what he was talking about, when he wrote 'To a mouse'.
This is a back Blip, almost two weeks ago GeordiePam was taken ill suddenly which necessitated a rush to A&E. Following a week in hospital she is now back home recovering. To cut a rather long story short I'll just say it was a worrying and frustrating time. The staff were excellent but stretched beyond breaking point - my advice, don't become ill in Wales! My heart procedure booked for last week had to be cancelled.
My pic is me finding my way back to the car around midnight, it's hard to see (and believe) but the building in the distance that looks like a carport is the main entrance to an A&E department with a catchment of over 300,000 people. Most of whom appeared to already be in A&E when we arrived :-)
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