
By dunkyc

Green Canal

Did a fair amount of walking today.

It's quite a trot into town from our house, but I needed the stroll and so bundled m'boy up and off we went in search of batteries, Saturday treats and some flowers for the missus.

We had a bit of lunch and as we were still feeling a bit restless thought we'd head out along the former canal path - I think if you follow it far enough, you reach the Strickland Arms?

We didn't quite make it that far, but we did come upon this bridge, which - with no canal present - looks a little odd in the middle of the field (you can see this more clearly in this photo from the other side)! I believe there are rumblings afoot about restoring the canal into Kendal to its former glory, I for one sincerely hope they do.

Whilst out walking we came across this field (is it maize?) and I tried out Instagram's video/photo thing.

All in all a fine day spent mostly in the fresh air!

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