A pink day

And first day of spring - according to one way of looking at it. Feeling slightly more positive - I spent the morning on various tasks and errands, and got quite a bit done. Oxfam in the afternoon felt rather dreary, though.
There is a house on my way to the shops which has two kinds of magnolia growing together - I thought they looked fabulous. And the shocking pink flowers were on display outside Sainsbury’s.
The extra - poor quality as on max phone zoom and taken through the bathroom window - is of a rather poorly fox asleep in my cat’s favourite spot. When a neighbour came out, it dashed away, and I could see it has very bad mange. So there is now a big discussion on our lovely neighbourhood WhatsApp group as to whether we can undertake feeding it, and slipping an anti-mange drug into the food. I tried to imagine what Chris Packham would say. Let nature take its course, I imagine.

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