Dennis Gould's letterpress print of a poem

Hugh came round this morning to discuss his project and arrangements for me to photograph some of the artwork. He and his wife had drawn or painted many scenes in their sketch books during their recent tour of southern India, where they had been guided by Maxine R., a local Stroud artist. The work is beautiful and so colourful bringing India into my dining room. I’ll provide them with digital copies so they can illustrate a book of words and images of their journey.

Once I was on my own again I went outside to look at the emerging flowers and insects in the garden. Back in the house I saw this cloth on the armchair which I was given recently by Dennis Gould at the Wayzgoose fair at the trinity Rooms after I blipped him. You can see this cloth on the arm of the chair behind him.

Dennis is a woodblock letterpress printer and poet who often sets other people’s poems to print on unusual materials. I don’t know what this green fabric was originally used for. You can see his boxes of small paper prints that he has produced over the decades. After I helped him pack up his stuff that day, he kindly gave me this poem, although I think he was also glad that he didn’t have to pack it away.

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