Castle on the crag

A beautiful day - sunshine right from the start. In spite of that I did quite a bit indoors to begin with - it's the Photo Club AGM this evening and there were a number of things I had to sort out. After that I continued outside with my potting and top-dressing - tidying all the pots which line the edge of my deck. Hopefully some of the shrubs which I've been growing on will be planted out sometime - if I can get rid of my aches and pains. I have a doc's appointment tomorrow, so I hope he can give me a service and MOT!

After lunch I took the Homebase freebie plants down to Gibraltar Street to plant. There were so few that I could do little more than plant a row along the top bed and fill up the space in the small bottom bed. This is my extra today. The left hand end of the bottom bed had already been planted by somebody else. It's rather sparse, but it will have to do until the Dove Centre takes over.

When I'd finished that I drove up to Pulpit Hill and sat in the sun for a while - there was nobody else there, which was odd on such a lovely day. I took a few pictures - my Blip today looks towards the 13th century Dunollie Castle, perched on its huge rock. In the background is the island of Lismore and down below can be seen the Walled Garden, which is currently being sorted out by Green Shoots, the Oban charity, now that the Glencruitten Walled Garden will shortly be unavailable. In the centre foreground is the Oban War Memorial and to its left the Dunollie Lighthouse, which dates from 1892.

Coming home we sat out in the sunshine for a while with a cuppa and a couple of cats. I finished reading A.J.Cronin's 'The Keys of the Kingdom'.

Random Quote of the Day: 'Scotsman: a man who before sending his pyjamas to the laundry, stuffs a sock in each pocket'. - Ambrose Bierce.

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