Many apologies  about the ineptness of this shot.  And for the fact that it has been used so many times before.  After being horizontal for some time I had tried a walk. Earlier the Current Mrs Creel drove me to the Care Home to visit my Mum.  When we arrived she wasn’t  in the best of humours; asking about airmen and why I’d become engaged to my cousin.  I find that she has entered a twilight world.  But whenever I mention Sparky the dog {from about 65 years ago} she converses perfectly.  She was more at peace after the janny had been in to  see her.    I phoned Martin, in Lauder.  His partner, Jackie, had very kindly sent my Mum an Easter card.  When the postie arrived back at HQ. he brought home CMC’s new music book.  They briefly discussed it.  The postie, Erik,  has played on stage at the last two Celtic Connection Fests.  I find I am as a mere supplicant bowing and gazing into the murky puddle of infinity.  It’s this kind of thing that started off Mervyn Peake. And all of this just when you thought that CMC had hidden the keyboard.
Thanks once again to Blipper Geography Head of Northampton for hosting Bewildered Wednesday.

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