Signs of spring

Great to see a magnificent magnolia in bloom on the way back to the station in Oxford this morning. A high point in a dreary day, mainly spent sitting on trains, although I did manage a chat with MW over breakfast, as I was staying in his "bit" of the university.

I managed a bit of work on the train, but by no means as much as would be desirable. Things are backing up a bit, because I lack focus.

No further developments during the day, until the evening when we received an update indicating a chance that our block might get back in to our flats on Thursday. Fingers crossed.

Lucky to have somewhere to stay now I'm back in Edinburgh. Ridgeback has lent me her lovely flat. I took myself to Tanjore for something to eat in the evening as I was ravenous.

Sadly still not really relaxing and sleeping well. Hopefully things will soon start to get better.

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