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Three of the Hobblers (including me) have birthdays this month and, for once, we all managed to come together at the Fleece for birthday drinks.  I very rarely have more than one small glass of wine these days, so I don't know how wise it is to be writing this when I have had one large and one small glasses of wine!  Apologies in advance.

It's been a funny old day.  My older brother isn't very well so I passed a couple of hours with him in the local hospital. It wasn't doom and gloom, but much catching up and reminiscing of old times until he was obviously falling asleep when I came away and caught the bus home.  I hope you have a better night's sleep Bob.

When I arrived home it was good to see that Jen and Pete had arrived and we soon headed out for a pleasant walk, with much catching up, around St Ives before dinner.   After which I was out and down in to the village for the Hobbler gathering where much laughter and sharing of Hobbler stories and more took place.  Lovely people all.

Jenny suggested we do the St Ives Circuit on our walk to show Pete the felled areas in the estate.  When we reached Lady Blantyres rock, she reminded Pete that, in his youf, he would jump off it, so my blip is a re-enactment of those days!

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