For the family

By RonaMac

Out and about

An early start to the day so that we could deliver Amber to the kennels before we left for Nottingham. I had an appointment for a PET-CT scan, a new one on me, which was booked at the City hospital. We have never visited this area and were advised to use the park and ride which was interesting. 

It was a long wait for B in the reception area, over 3 hrs, whilst I had an injection of a radiopharmaceutical into a vein, then waited for an hour in a room whist it did whatever it does. The scan then took about 15 minutes. All I could think about was the fact I hadn’t had any breakfast or coffee and that I was so hungry and cold. 

We got home just after 3 pm which was good timing as it was the time that B had to stop eating in preparation for his investigation tomorrow. He has loads of fluids to drink. It will be an early bed time as he has to start drinking at 5am. It will be his turn to miss breakfast, but my reward is that I can eat. !!!! 

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