Her Highness

... on watch duty!
A little April like today.. sunshine and spits of rain at the same time but we had a happy cup of coffee in the garden all the same. 
this afternoon I have sown some seeds of Cosmos and Digitalis Lutea as well as transplanted the willow cuttings I took which have roots about 8 inches long after about two weeks.  Amazing plants!! 
Nice to have our eldest here chilling while waiting for the washing to dry (it keeps getting the showers on it too so she will probably spend the night! Oh to be at leisure without her job!) 
The road in to the village has been shut by Thames Water while they connect a newly replaced garage with water.. apparently it will be closed all week.. not ideal for all the deliveries we have this week but it is nice having a quieter road.. no one using it as a rat run!
Extra is a vibrant little plate of bits for lunchtime salad and sandwiches

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